Sunday, 29 November 2009

10 Minutes

An “Excuse me”.
A slight shoulder bump.
A “Sorry”.
Two faces turning, eyes meet eyes.

A smiling “It’s ok”.
An awkward passing by.
A wanting of proximity.
Stealing glances, the blurring of other faces.

Just under 10 minutes. That’s all it takes.

For two people to connect.
For the sweet smile to stay in memory.
For one of them to start a mission.
To continue that brief connection.

Just under that memorable 10 minutes.


:: GSC Pavilion. 10pm, Nov 28, 2009 ::

Wednesday, 25 November 2009

Sepucuk Surat

Hari ini aku terima sepucuk surat
Merah jambu disemburi harum wangi
Tertera tulisan lembut bersimpul seri
Tersulam kata-kata mimpi, janji, dan isi hati.

Ia berakhir dengan tanda lipstick merah menyala
Di kucup penuh makna. Tanpa nama.

Dan aku cuma berkata "Ia mungkin tersalah alamat"
Kerana tiada mimpi, janji, atau hati di rumah ini.

From This Memory

Too many noises in this place
Of broken songs and haunting desire
Of seductive voices and meaningless chatter

Too many phantasm in this place
Of torn pictures and lucid scene
Of alluring thoughts and deceitful dreams

I’m getting cluttered
I’m getting scattered
I’m getting divided

I need to get away from this place
Far far away, if I may
From this memory

Wednesday, 18 November 2009

Beauty Charm

Last few weekends I went to Lotus Ampang for a meet-up about work. As usual the place’s full of kodok-watching potentials. Then came striding in an actor and his friend/GF/fellow female artist. I don’t know their names but I know they’re quite popular in TV drama. Even my japanese friend Shinobu knows about this actor. She’s a bit weird though for liking Malay drama so much. Anyways…

What strike me most is that this two celebrities are way better looking in real-life than on TV. Shouldn’t it be the other way around? As usually the case with Hollywood stars that look really awesome on screen, but fugly in real-life? This is not a one-off observation. Most ‘celebrity’ that I’ve met outside the tube are wayyy better-looking/prettier. It puzzled me, really.

I came to a conclusion that either our TV production are generally bad, bad make-up artist, or perhaps both. Or maybe, just MAYBE they all wears susuk. And maybe the *susuk’s charm got nullified going through the tube…?

Talking about susuk, now that is one powerful thing. Imagine if one of the make-up company made it commercial: Summer Susuk Foundation by M.A.C. Disclaimer: Side effects of spiritual disturbance or hauntings are known to affects the user. M.A.C hold no accountability if such things occurred. Please consult a *Bomoh or equivalent witch-doctor.

Let’s not limit our imagination to just make-ups. Imagine Triumph, Audrey, and other in-supermarket under-garment brand could do with. Say, Wonder-Bra or Wonder-Panties - Susuk Enhanced. Instant Scarlett Johansson or Beyonce (respectively). Or even Jessica Biel (overall yummilious 4 thumbs up). That is, if you buy a complete set of Susuk Enhanced products. Discounted ofcourse. It’s women’s stuff after all. 5% OFF. Serious bargain, right girls?

What do you think? Is it a good idea or is it a GOOD idea??

* susuk is a magical charm, usually gold needle or diamond being magically embedded in the face to give the wearer beauty, glamour, and charm.

* bomoh is a Malay traditionall witch-doctor. Scary bunch most of the time. Smelly too. But don’t mess with them.

Sunday, 1 November 2009

A New Hope

A new hope. A cure. It could be anything. A new job. New circle of friends. A replacement of your wrecked car. Quitting smoking. Newfound passion or hobby. Meeting someone special or falling in love again. It could be anything really.

It is a chance. A vaccine. A new lease of life that brings us out of our mired situations. Into something more meaningful to look forward to every day we wakes up. It doesn’t have to be for the better, just for something different. To get out of current stagnation that slowly kills us inside.

New hope can be big or small but nonetheless important. Getting a new hobby could be life-saving to some but a laughable pastime to others. It also involves risks too. Risk of expectation. Of things new and shiny. Risk of wasting time with. But all those risks are better than stagnation isn’t it?

A new hope. For a start, let’s just hope for a new hope. If you can find it, grab it. Things like these only come once in a while. Try not to let go. But ofcourse, we can only hope it came by and wanted to stay. When it doesn’t, when it slipped away from our hands, we’ll feel much worst than before. Feeling jaded. Rejected. Forlorn. Scattered and divided.

Let’s just hope we have energy left for another try. Or you’re really in a deeper shit than before. HA HA.