Mirrors on the wall
Saw your face and we lock eyes
You talk and laughs, I smile and sighs
Many faces and voices, but we do lock eyes.
Mirrors on the wall
Stand apart not too far away
You can't make a move, I need to stay
Many chances and misses, but we never look away.
Mirrors on the wall
The time has come for the partings
You can't say goodbye, I can't tell my wanting
Many hopes and wishes, but our eyes still locking.
Mirrors on the wall
Lay clear but empty, for quite awhile
I stand apart, reflecting memories of your smile
Many days and weeks, in solitude time pass-by
Mirrors on the wall
Still empty, still waiting, for us to lock eyes again.
:: Oji Hamidin ::
26 Dec 2014
:: Oji Hamidin ::