Friday, 18 December 2009

Top 5 reasons to watch Avatar, again.


Just came back from watching Avatar. I don’t have high expectation from it. But man I was blown away by it. Here’s my Top 5 reasons to watch Avatar, again:

- It’s a James Cameron movie. A big big budget one. The biggest to date I think.

- Big bipedal mecha. With a jagged bayonet on a big canon gun. Warhammer 40K-esque. Versus blue-skinned tribal alien which is bigger than the human but primitive.

- Fantastic world of glowing forests, floating mountains, and symbiotic lifeforms. A place I wouldn’t mind living in or dying for.

- The women in this movie: Sigourney Weaver, Michelle Rodriguez, and most importantly Neytiri (Zoe Saldana) which almost single-handedly would pull you into Pandora and it’s people the Na’vi.

- And finally, seeing boobs & cute butts on the big screen without feeling perverse or in any way shameful. Definitely not a cheap flesh trick. It was elegantly sexy,natural, and honest in many ways. The Na’vi women I mean.

PS: I’m booking for a second viewing this weekend. I don’t usually watch the same movie twice in the same week. This is one very GOOD movie though. Avatar made it up for atleast 5 years of dull sci-fi/fantasy movie from Hollywood. I’m satisfied *bliss*.


  1. i'd say they where more feline like then primative human.
    btw i havnt seen it yet but it does look like a dam good movie

  2. stuggie_bear,
    in many ways I feel the same about the feline look. and yes it is a DAMN GOOD MOVIE!


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