Thursday, 27 November 2008

Kelantan revisited

It has been ages since i last visited Kelantan. Almost forgot how it was. Well, nothing much changed since 10-12 years back. Nothing drastic anyway. Went there for the Muay Thai event. Also this was my first time traveling solo. It was fun. I took Firefly's twin propeller plane - which is a fascinating ride of its own. "Air Turbulence" paint a new picture in my mind (and tummy).


Here are a few things that I got reminded again, and new things I learned in Kelantan:
1 - Chinese here speaks perfect Kelantanese. It felt weird calling a Chinese "Abe"

2 - The food is ALWAYS sweet. My first lunch in Kelantan was a hot & spicy looking Ayam (chicken) Chili Tomato. So I poured a healthy dose of the gravy. I end up eating the fringe of my unsoiled rice. it was worst than a Ayam Madu (honeyed chicken).

3 - Drivers here thinks they drive a tank instead of car. Signal light? Who cares. No parking/stopping/waiting/U-turn? no such words exist.

4 - Mamak here is best thought of as spiced up kedai makan kelantan (kelantan restaurant). Just to prepare yourself from disappointment after ordering teh tarik & roti canai. Atleast at the riverside one.

5 - Marlboro is the hardest to find.

6 - Gocoh means fight. Luckily I was with a group of Muay Thai fighters :D

7 - Tanner means Trainer. In a cool way I like how it was pronounced by the Thais - especially by Mat Amin

8 - Earrings worn by male are frowned at. First I thought I was stared at for my charm o_O

9 - You can still find rare antiques still in use (see pic)

10 - Worst of all for a nocturnist like me, 11pm is the maximum time to witness any 'life' on the street.

yeaaah! I used to 'gayut' on this orange thing

Anyhow, these 10 things might sound like a pouty complaints but in truth I was enjoying these Kelantan quirkiness. It was memorable & appreciated nonetheless. It made me smile writing this down :)


  1. gi klate keno degar post-rock bebanyok abey wey...baru tie-in hehehe

  2. Your blog is totally random, man. I am at a loss to classify you.

  3. Ijah, thank you. I'm sure its a compliment. it? lol

  4. compliment.

    Also, I am glad you have other uses for your hands (using them for TYPING, I mean) and brains.


Thanks for leaving your mark!